Book cover of Classic Cocktails

Classic Cocktails

by Salvatore Calabrese

Publisher: Sterling Publishing
Pages: 192
ISBN: 9780806905075

Overview of Classic Cocktails

What makes a cocktail immortal? Not just the drink itself, but the tales about the drink: how it came to be, who served it and who ordered it. This gloriously photographed guide brings you a definitive list of 110 cocktails, complete with recipes, even old ads. Find out how to equip a well-stocked bar. . .then entertain your guests by telling them how Trader Vic created the Mai Tai. "...catch a whiff of...old-fashioned American style in a...volume, nearly square, which, like the drinks it describes, a little of this combined with a little of that and presented with a flourish...cleverly chosen period posters and illustrations..."—The New York Times. 192 pages (all in color), 4 1/2 X 7.

Synopsis of Classic Cocktails

“Catch a whiff of old-fashioned American style in a volume, nearly square, which, like the drinks it describes, is a little of this combined with a little of that and presented with a flourish. A witty, well-presented cocktail manual...from one of London’s most respected bartenders. A must-have.”—The New York Times. “It has all the time-honored recipes, plus lots of interesting, celebrity-laced cocktail lore and abundant illustrations.”—Bon Appetit.

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