Book cover of Evidence-Based Medical Ethics: Cases for Practice-Based Learning

Evidence-Based Medical Ethics: Cases for Practice-Based Learning

by John E. Snyder

Publisher: Springer-Verlag New York, LLC
Pages: 254
ISBN: 9781603272452

Overview of Evidence-Based Medical Ethics: Cases for Practice-Based Learning

In the modern practice of medicine, new challenges complicate the ethical care of patients. Today’s times require a contemporary take on the concept of medical ethics. The idea for this textbook was born out of a need for a teaching resource that merges medical ethics theory with the practical needs of modern clinical medicine. In Evidence-Based Medical Ethics: Cases for Practice-Based Learning, the authors address what has been missing in existing text books and ethics courses to date – clear-cut ethical and legal guidelines that provide a method for the reader to learn how to systematically manage dilemmas seen in the everyday practice of medicine. The reader is guided through several "typical" patient scenarios and prompted by various questions that should be entertained by the treating health care provider. Then, relevant evidence-based medicine, legal precedent, and the ethical theory that applies to the situation are revealed. Often, finding the "best" ethical solution for each problem is automatic, as the solution often becomes self-evident during information-gathering. This general method is reinforced throughout the text with multiple different cases, using a practice-based approach by building on the reader’s developing skills. Additionally, we have sought to emphasize a culturally competent manner in resolving these dilemmas, respectfully addressing issues of age, gender, and culture whenever possible. The main goal of Evidence-Based Medical Ethics: Cases for Practice-Bases Learning is to assist the reader in adapting a patient-centered and evidence-based approach to dilemmas faced in their future practice of medicine.

Synopsis of Evidence-Based Medical Ethics: Cases for Practice-Based Learning

In the modern practice of medicine, new challenges complicate the ethical care of patients. Today’s times require a contemporary take on the concept of medical ethics. Regrettably, there are few books and learning tools available to bring medical ethics education into the 21st Century. Existing texts are not practical or user-friendly.

This book aims to address what has been missing in existing text books and ethics courses to date: clear-cut ethical and legal guidelines essential to the everyday practice of medicine, modernization of the teaching material to include common dilemmas seen in medicine today, connection between ethical practice and current evidence-based medicine, correlation of ethics teaching with education in cultural competence, and a user-friendly, innovative, and interesting format. Together, the authors have already collaborated for the last few years to collect numerous "typical" examples of ethically complex cases. Similar real-life scenarios are seen at all medical institutions across the country, and practitioners need a teaching tool to help them approach such cases.

In this textbook, the reader will find: (1) Twenty-five "typical" patient scenarios are presented and supplemented with questions for consideration by the reader or class, (2) Evidence-based medicine, legal precedent, and ethical theory applying to each patient scenario is discussed, (3) Ethical dilemmas are enlivened with age, gender, and culture issues, (4) A patient-centered approach to ethical dilemmas is presented, (5) Emphasis is made on the six "core clinical competencies" of medical education in the ‘Formulation’ section of each individual case (patient care, medical knowledge, practice-based learning and improvement, interpersonal skills and communication, professionalism, and systems-based practice), (6) The text includes a "medical boards"-style comprehensive exam to further challenge the reader and to assess their gained skills and knowledge.

This book is written with several audiences in mind: medical students and residents, nursing students, pharmacy students, undergraduate and graduate students in medical ethics courses, and physicians desiring further training in medical ethics, cultural competency, communication skills, and medical board preparation.

Doody Review Services

Reviewer:Michele K Langowski, MA, JD(Saint Louis University)
Description:This is the newest addition to case-based clinical ethics books.
Purpose:Recognizing the need for a teaching resource that merges medical ethics theory with the practical issues confronted in patient-centered clinical medicine, the purpose of this book is "to provide a method for the reader to learn how to systematically manage dilemmas seen in the everyday practice of medicine.
Audience:The authors, an internal medicine physician and health care ethicist, have several audiences in mind for the book: medical students and residents, nursing students, undergraduate and graduate medical ethics courses, as well as clinicians.
Features:The 25 clinical ethics cases include "typical" patient scenarios and corresponding ethical dilemmas encountered in the healthcare setting, but with an evidence-based medicine approach. Each case begins with a detailed account of the patient's clinical presentation, followed by an explanation of the ethical dilemma and two or three short thought questions posed to the healthcare provider. There is a brief overview of the relevant evidence-based medicine, general legal precedent, and the ethical principles that apply in the specific situation.
Assessment:The authors do not provide ethical resolution of cases. Instead, at the end of each case presentation, readers are told to "consider delving further into the background medical literature to assist with making sound therapeutic decisions. Devise a treatment approach that addresses the needs of the patient and his [her] family, that is both ethically and medically sound, and that is culturally competent. Ensure that the strategy employs fair and appropriate utilization of medical resources, and that the approach is practical and feasible within the limits of the medical system at large." While the emphasis on evidence-based medicine is a modern approach, the case scenarios and ethical dilemmas are very familiar.

Reviews of Evidence-Based Medical Ethics: Cases for Practice-Based Learning

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From The Critics

Reviewer: Michele K Langowski, MA, JD(Saint Louis University)
Description: This is the newest addition to case-based clinical ethics books.
Purpose: Recognizing the need for a teaching resource that merges medical ethics theory with the practical issues confronted in patient-centered clinical medicine, the purpose of this book is "to provide a method for the reader to learn how to systematically manage dilemmas seen in the everyday practice of medicine."
Audience: The authors, an internal medicine physician and health care ethicist, have several audiences in mind for the book: medical students and residents, nursing students, undergraduate and graduate medical ethics courses, as well as clinicians.
Features: The 25 clinical ethics cases include "typical" patient scenarios and corresponding ethical dilemmas encountered in the healthcare setting, but with an evidence-based medicine approach. Each case begins with a detailed account of the patient's clinical presentation, followed by an explanation of the ethical dilemma and two or three short thought questions posed to the healthcare provider. There is a brief overview of the relevant evidence-based medicine, general legal precedent, and the ethical principles that apply in the specific situation.
Assessment: The authors do not provide ethical resolution of cases. Instead, at the end of each case presentation, readers are told to "consider delving further into the background medical literature to assist with making sound therapeutic decisions. Devise a treatment approach that addresses the needs of the patient and his [her] family, that is both ethically and medically sound, and that is culturally competent. Ensure that the strategy employs fair and appropriate utilization of medical resources, and that the approach is practical and feasible within the limits of the medical system at large." While the emphasis on evidence-based medicine is a modern approach, the case scenarios and ethical dilemmas are very familiar.

From The Critics

Reviewer: Michele K Langowski, MA, JD(Saint Louis University)
Description: This is the newest addition to case-based clinical ethics books.
Purpose: Recognizing the need for a teaching resource that merges medical ethics theory with the practical issues confronted in patient-centered clinical medicine, the purpose of this book is "to provide a method for the reader to learn how to systematically manage dilemmas seen in the everyday practice of medicine.
Audience: The authors, an internal medicine physician and health care ethicist, have several audiences in mind for the book: medical students and residents, nursing students, undergraduate and graduate medical ethics courses, as well as clinicians.
Features: The 25 clinical ethics cases include "typical" patient scenarios and corresponding ethical dilemmas encountered in the healthcare setting, but with an evidence-based medicine approach. Each case begins with a detailed account of the patient's clinical presentation, followed by an explanation of the ethical dilemma and two or three short thought questions posed to the healthcare provider. There is a brief overview of the relevant evidence-based medicine, general legal precedent, and the ethical principles that apply in the specific situation.
Assessment: The authors do not provide ethical resolution of cases. Instead, at the end of each case presentation, readers are told to "consider delving further into the background medical literature to assist with making sound therapeutic decisions. Devise a treatment approach that addresses the needs of the patient and his [her] family, that is both ethically and medically sound, and that is culturally competent. Ensure that the strategy employs fair and appropriate utilization of medical resources, and that the approach is practical and feasible within the limits of the medical system at large." While the emphasis on evidence-based medicine is a modern approach, the case scenarios and ethical dilemmas are very familiar.

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