Book cover of Handbook of Global and Multicultural Negotiation

Handbook of Global and Multicultural Negotiation

by Christopher W. Moore, Peter J. Woodrow

Publisher: Wiley, John & Sons, Incorporated
Pages: 512
ISBN: 9780470440957

Overview of Handbook of Global and Multicultural Negotiation

Praise for Handbook of Global and Multicultural Negotiation

"In today's globalized world, few competencies are as essential as the ability to negotiate across cultures. In this insightful and practical book, Chris Moore and Peter Woodrow draw on their extensive global experience to help us understand the intricacies of seeking to reach intercultural agreements and show us how to get to a wise yes. I recommend it highly!"

William Ury

coauthor, Getting to Yes, and author, The Power of a Positive No

"Rich in the experience of the authors and the lessons they share, we learn that culture is more than our clothing, rituals, and food. It is the way we arrange time, space, language, manners, and meaning. This book teaches us to understand our own culture so we are open to the other and gives us practical strategies to coordinate our cultural approaches to negotiations and reach sustainable agreements."

Meg Taylor

compliance advisor/ombudsman of the World Bank Group and former ambassador of Papua New Guinea to the United States of America and Mexico

"In a globalized multicultural world, everyone from the president of the United States to the leaders of the Taliban, from the CEO of Mittal Steel to the steelworkers in South Africa, needs to read this book. Chris Moore and Peter Woodrow have used their global experience and invented the definitive tool for communication in the twenty-first century!"

Vasu Gounden

founder and executive director, ACCORD, South Africa

"Filled with practical advice and informed by sound research, the Handbook of Global and Multicultural Negotiation brings into one location an extraordinary and comprehensive set of resources for navigating conflict and negotiation in our multicultural world. More important, the authors speak from decades of experience, providing the best book on the topic to date—a gift to scholars and practitioners alike."

John Paul Lederach

Professor of International Peacebuilding, Kroc Institute, University of Notre Dame

Synopsis of Handbook of Global and Multicultural Negotiation

Handbook of

Global and Multicultural Negotiation

The Handbook of Global and Multicultural Negotiation is a comprehensive resource that offers a wealth of in-depth advice and proven strategies for conducting effective cross-cultural negotiations. Written for people who must negotiate agreements with people from different cultural backgrounds, the book is based on extensive research and the direct experiences of Christopher W. Moore and Peter J. Woodrow—two experts on international negotiation and conflict resolution who have worked in more than sixty countries and with multiple local cultures around the world.

Throughout the book, the authors focus on cross-cultural communication, problem solving, and negotiations. To begin, Moore and Woodrow reveal how people from diverse cultures relate to one another in ways that may hinder effective problem solving, negotiations, or dispute resolution. Next, the authors lay the groundwork for understanding both culture and negotiation and how they interact. The book goes on to provide a detailed process guide for negotiations across cultures and presents strategies for the various phases of the negotiation process. The authors describe how to approach the beginning stage of talks, gain an understanding of issues and interests, generate options, and ultimately reach and implement sustainable agreements—all through a cultural lens. Along the way, they also describe common strategies used by members of diverse cultures and how to respond to them. In addition, this important book is filled with illustrative stories and examples from a variety of multicultural business, diplomatic, development, employment, and interpersonal negotiations.

Step-by-step, the authors show how to become a culturally sensitive problem solver by gaining insights, knowledge, and skills that can transform the dynamics of intercultural interactions, build better relationships, and reach agreements with greater benefits for all concerned.

About the Author, Christopher W. Moore

The Authors

Christopher W. Moore is a partner of CDR Associates, an international collaborative decision-making, conflict management, and dispute-resolution systems design firm based in Boulder, Colorado. He has participated in many successful international negotiations and multiparty decision-making initiatives, and served as a mediator and conflict management consultant for over thirty years. He is the author of the book The Mediation Process from Jossey-Bass and numerous journal articles and monographs.

Peter J. Woodrow is the codirector of the Reflecting on Peace Practice Project at CDA Collaborative Learning Projects, based in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and a partner of CDR Associates. He is an experienced multicultural mediator, facilitator, trainer, and consultant and is skilled in negotiation, collaborative problem solving, team building, dispute systems design, and conflict intervention. Woodrow is the coauthor of several books, numerous monographs, and articles.

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