Book cover of Handy Politics Answer Book

Handy Politics Answer Book

by Gina Misiroglu

Publisher: Omnigraphics, Incorporated
ISBN: 9780780807266

Synopsis of Handy Politics Answer Book

Using a question and answer format, this text offers simple explanations of terms, processes, concepts, events, actor roles, and other aspects of American politics and political institutions. Chapters cover American political culture; civil liberties; parties, campaigns, and elections; media; social policy; economic policy; foreign policy; national defense and domestic security; the three major branches of the federal government; and the origins of American government. The material is accessible to those reading at a high school level. Distributed by Omnigraphics. Annotation ©2004 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR

About the Author, Gina Misiroglu

Gina Misiroglu is a fourteen-year veteran of the West Coast publishing industry, specializing in the development and editing of popular culture, reference, and women's studies. Misiroglu has edited and developed hundreds of books in her publishing career for a number of presses, including Price Stern Sloan/HP Books, New World Library, Lowell House, Visible Ink Press, Macmillan Reference USA, and Adams Media Corporation. Misiroglu is the author of Girls Like Us: 40 Extraordinary Women Celebrate Girlhoods in Story, Poetry, and Song (New World Library, 1999), winner of the New York Public Library's "Best Book for Teens" Award, and Imagine: The Spirit of Twentieth-Century American Heroes (New World Library, 1999). She lives in Los Angeles, California.

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