Books by Abigail Marble

Abigail Marble Biography

TRUDY LUDWIG, author of six books for children, has been profiled on national television, radio, and newsprint. An active member of the International Bullying Prevention Association, she is a sought after speaker who collaborates frequently with organizations like The Ophelia Project, Hands & Words Are Not For Hurting Project, and Putting Family First. Trudy's books have received the Mom's Choice Gold Award, the Cooperative Children's Book Center's "Best of the Best of the Year" award, and have been recognized as NCSS-CBC Notable Social Studies Books for Young People. She lives in Portland, Oregon.
Trudy is available for select readings and lectures. To inquire about a possible appearance, please contact the Random House Speakers Bureau.

ABIGAIL MARBLE illustrated her first children's story in second grade, and has been making art ever since. She lives in Portland, Oregon.