Books by Laurie Kocanda

Laurie Kocanda Biography

Laurie Kocanda has served as editor of the Twin Cities Sports and Midwest Events magazines, and her work, which focuses on fitness, family, women's issues, and pregnancy, has appeared in national magazines. She blogs about fitness and mothering at, and she has completed over 35 marathons and two Ironman triathlons. Laurie is mom to two daughters, aged nine and five.


Kara Douglass Thom is a freelance writer and editor specializing in health, fitness, multisport, pregnancy, and parenting topics, and she blogs about fitness and motherhood at She is the author of two books and has written for numerous periodicals. Kara has been a runner and triathlete for 20 years, and she is mom to seven-year-old twin girls, a six-year-old daughter, and a two-year-old son.
